Thursday, January 05, 2006
About Me
- Name: Aunt B
- Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Like Donnell Alexander says, "It's about completing the task of living with enough spontaneity to splurge some of it on bystanders, to share with others working through their own travails a little of your bonus life." But, it's mostly the kind of place that folks looking for "girls and cars" stumble across by accident.
- Another Day, Another Dinner with My Dad
- My Small Victory
- God Damn Those Fat Teenage Moms
- Good Girls Gotta Get Down with the Gangsters
- A Day of Trials and Minor Tribulations
- Of Course, It's Funny When He's Picking on the But...
- If Only My Cooter Were Pretty, I'd Be Happy
- The Reverend is on his Way
- Now is Not the Time to Pluck Out Your Butt Hair
- New Year's Resolutions I'd Like to See Made
Aunt B.--Your kind host.The Butcher--My youngest brother, who lives with me and works as, you guessed it, a butcher. He knows everyone in town.
The Recalcitrant Brother--Our middle brother, who lives in rural Georgia and has a kind of movie star life, if that movie star is Burt Reynolds in Deliverance.
The Reverend--Our Dad, a Methodist minister, perpetually three years from retirement.
Mom--Our Mom. She doesn't get a funny nickname because our mom will not stand for funny nicknames.
Mrs. Wigglebottom--My dog. She's got terrible manners.
The Corporate Shill--Or The Shill, as we call her. My friend from college who was constantly getting me into trouble and going to parties she neglected to tell me about where cute boys would ask her "Where's Aunt B.?"
The Legal Eagle--The Shill's husband.
The Super Genius--She lived next door to me my freshman year of college and we've been friends ever since my first day on the floor.
Miss J.--My first adult friend, meaning the first lasting friendship I made after college. She was my roommate in grad school.
Her Lover--Her Husband.
The Divine Ms. B.--Miss J.'s sister and one of my heroes, because she's brave and funny and mystic and fearless.
JR--My oldest friend. I've known her since I was in the second grade.
Elias--JR's husband and the person who's musical tastes have most strongly affected my own. Oh, how I long to be cooler than him!
The Professor--My closest friend here in Nashville. She's a genius, but she'll never tell you that.
The Man from GM--I've known him since I was 16 and he still hasn't forgiven me for telling him I was a vegetarian when I wasn't.
The Redheaded Kid--No one knows where he comes from or where he goes when he leaves here. I assume he's the Butcher's friend. The Butcher assumes he's mine.
It's directly related to your earlier post about Fat Teenage Moms.
Once Society decided we were going to treat any type of ailment primarily as a causal outcome of behaviour it opened the door to groupthink treatment. Doctors rarely look any longer at a person who is bleeding from the nose and say "let me see what the immediate cause is, remedy that and send the person on their way."
Now they ask you what you did to cause the nosebleed and refuse to fix the presenting problem unless the underlying causes are worthy. I can't count the times (okay--yes I can--3) that I've been to my doctor for a cold/sorethroat/migraine and been forced to endure batteries of tests for diabetes and lectures about weight loss and weight loss medications. The third time--and the last time I went to this particular doctor--they had me go through this charade for 2.5 hours and were going to let me leave without even prescribing cough medicine. Her words? "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot."
Yep. We're so busy trying to blame people's negative behaviours for any negative physical ailments that we're forgetting to make sick people well.
You have a brain disease? Nah. You just drink too much. Screw you.
Actually, I don't know that Aunt B.'s post has anything to do with "Society," except inasmuch as we in "Society" allow our military heirarchies to continue to treat our 'citizen-soldiers' worse than cattle (especially when they get hurt in illegal wars).
For all the pusillanimous and revolting verbal fetishizing I hear about "supporting the troops," you'd think that the current state of the VA would have all these ostensible troop supporters rioting in the streets. But no, it's a yellow sticker on the SUV and let's not look at those coffins coming home.
No, this is less a symptom of a larger societal problem with mental illness and more the behavior of a military structure that treats its soldiers like the cannon fodder they sign up to be.
Of course, when you have large segments of the public willing to give in to jingoistic cheerleading of facile justifications for war, you shouldn't expect to see a great deal of public critical inquiry about those soldiers who come home alive but damaged. And is there alive today anyone who believes that war doesn't damage all its participants in some way?
I guess what I'm saying is yeah, Aunt B., these soldiers are getting screwed, but that's as much our fault as it is that of any bean-counting, jerk-off general.
I guess what I'm saying is yeah, Aunt B., these soldiers are getting screwed, but that's as much our fault as it is that of any bean-counting, jerk-off general.
Who do you think Society is, anyway?
B, your sex fantasies are getting weirder and weirder.
Or, they've remained the same, I'm just getting ballsier about admitting them... Is it too much to hope that you'll be the first veteran to volunteer to spend some time in my yard?
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