Thursday, May 19, 2005
About Me
- Name: Aunt B
- Location: Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Like Donnell Alexander says, "It's about completing the task of living with enough spontaneity to splurge some of it on bystanders, to share with others working through their own travails a little of your bonus life." But, it's mostly the kind of place that folks looking for "girls and cars" stumble across by accident.
- Is This a Funny--Ha Ha--or a Funny--Oh god no?
- Fine, World, You Win
- Lee Ann Womack's Hair
- Gender, Sex, and Sexuality--In other words, a post...
- It's the end of the world, as I know it
- Who is the New York Times for?
- People, listen up!
- For Nashvillians Only! (Well, and for Nashvillains...
- The Perfect Country and Western Song
Mr. Roboto
Aunt B
Mr. Roboto
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B
Aunt B.--Your kind host.The Butcher--My youngest brother, who lives with me and works as, you guessed it, a butcher. He knows everyone in town.
The Recalcitrant Brother--Our middle brother, who lives in rural Georgia and has a kind of movie star life, if that movie star is Burt Reynolds in Deliverance.
The Reverend--Our Dad, a Methodist minister, perpetually three years from retirement.
Mom--Our Mom. She doesn't get a funny nickname because our mom will not stand for funny nicknames.
Mrs. Wigglebottom--My dog. She's got terrible manners.
The Corporate Shill--Or The Shill, as we call her. My friend from college who was constantly getting me into trouble and going to parties she neglected to tell me about where cute boys would ask her "Where's Aunt B.?"
The Legal Eagle--The Shill's husband.
The Super Genius--She lived next door to me my freshman year of college and we've been friends ever since my first day on the floor.
Miss J.--My first adult friend, meaning the first lasting friendship I made after college. She was my roommate in grad school.
Her Lover--Her Husband.
The Divine Ms. B.--Miss J.'s sister and one of my heroes, because she's brave and funny and mystic and fearless.
JR--My oldest friend. I've known her since I was in the second grade.
Elias--JR's husband and the person who's musical tastes have most strongly affected my own. Oh, how I long to be cooler than him!
The Professor--My closest friend here in Nashville. She's a genius, but she'll never tell you that.
The Man from GM--I've known him since I was 16 and he still hasn't forgiven me for telling him I was a vegetarian when I wasn't.
The Redheaded Kid--No one knows where he comes from or where he goes when he leaves here. I assume he's the Butcher's friend. The Butcher assumes he's mine.
I second the Happy Birthday to You!
That book sounds great. I have actually experienced an earthquake emanating from the New Madrid fault. It was pretty cool, being I'm in Illinois and all.
P.S.: Can you tell your friend the Shill I'll try to get down there and say hi when she's in the hottub at the Jackhammer's game tomorrow? I have long blonde hair and will be slightly tipsy.
Peggasus -- I've got light brown hair (to my shoulder blades) that will undoubtedly be knotted into a bun/ponytail combo at the back of my head and will probably not be in the actual hottub but might be hiding out in the beer-can-shaped changing room if LE is embarrassing me. To assist you in your tipsy state, I shall pick an outfit: jeans and yellow Nike windbreaker. I will have my camera with me to record this momentus occasion for Aunt B.
Happy Birthday! Funny how much just knowing that a family member is thinking about you means isn't it? Congrats on the Ch 2 link! Thanks for my link, too!
And, Peg, to spot the Legal Eagle, you should look for someone who has been deprived of the joys of Jello's peanut butter cup bars.
Poor, poor Legal Eagle, he's got no one to make him the best boxed dessert ever.
S.! Thanks for coming by. I love your blog.
Thanks for all of the birthday wishes. I'm feeling a little mushy about y'all now.
Happy Birthday!
Happy b-day yourself
what is your fascination with Jello no-bake peanut whatevers? I don't eat that crap, I have a very refined palate, any sweets going into my mouth are lovingly made from scratch by yours truly.
LE, kudos to your cooking from scratch by yourself. Let's just put that in the catagory of "Of course that's fantastic."
But let's talk about the "desserts from a box" category. These things win that category hands-down.
In fact, a good spouse would whoop you some up for this weekend.
(Ha, that's right. I'm whooping up marital discord wherever I can!)
I am, as you may have heard, a bit of a snob. As a bit of a snob, I do not partake of the "desserts from a box" category. I understand that they are doing some wonderful things with food science these days that enables shelf stable combustables that almost taste like homemade, but me, I don't eat a lot of dessert (despite what my ampling girth may indicate) so when I do, I prefer the from scratch variety. Its the penance I must endure for the pending sin...
while a good spouse would do all kinds of things, including making me sweets on occassion, that is not what I have. I have CS, who I love dearly, but who would rather poke my expanding waistline than whip up snax
Dear LE, your tale of deprived snobbery has me feeling very sorry for you. Why would a man who danced to Johnny Cash at his own wedding look down his nose at foodstuffs that appear cheesy but are really genius? The parallels are so sadly clear.
I guess the best you can hope for is that, perhaps, you are in the courtroom for some reason and the judge happens to look at you and demands you take a certain client and that client, so poor, can only pay you in Jello Peanut Butter Cup bars. I don't know if it works that way in real life, but I've seen enough Law & Order to make me hopeful.
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