Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"Star Trek" and Pedophilia

Clearly, Ellen Ladowski is an idiot. I'm no social scientist, but let me tell you why pedophiles are "Trekkies." Pedophiles are Trekkies because Trekkies are, in broad, general terms, individuals with a high tolerance for strangeness. Now, clearly 99.9% of Trekkies' tolerance for strangeness does not extend to child molesters, but that's not important. One only has to wade very shallowly into the scary end of the internet to realize that many pedophiles don't consider what they're doing to be harmful to their victims. Read some of NAMBLA's stuff and you begin to realize that they think that they are just one more put-upon sexual minority and that, given enough time, they will be as tolerated as other sexual "deviants." (This is why it remains ever important to differentiate between what goes on between consenting adults and what happens to people who do not consent. We can't afford to let these fuckers associate themselves with us.) They really believe that the problem is not that they're doing anything wrong, but that society is just not yet prepared to accept them. What better place to wait for acceptance than among other people society deems strange? What Ladowski fails to see is that this has nothing to do with Trekkies or Star Trek and everything to do with the failure of these sick fucks to understand that what they're doing is not as harmless as putting on some pointy ears or learning Klingon.


Blogger Kat Coble said...

We prefer the term "Trekkers", thank you very much.

Trekkies=girls with crushes on Mr. Spock

Trekkers=people with a serious commitment to the shows and their philosophies.

9/14/2005 06:15:00 PM  
Blogger imfunnytoo said...

You beat me to it...

Trekkers, yup.

9/14/2005 06:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Evidently, Trekkies are people with crushes on Mr. Spock when he was a kid on that Genesis planet.

If you have seen the Trekkies or Trekkies 2 documentaries, it isn't hard to see where some of these folks make the leap to kiddie porn.

9/14/2005 08:06:00 PM  

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