Monday, February 27, 2006

It's Not a Mess, It's the Butcher's Studio

I got home from work and the house was just as messy as it always is, with the addition of the aforementioned mail. I asked the Butcher what he did all day and he claims he slept and worked on his art. I think it's been a while since I've told you guys about the Butcher's art, so allow me to refresh your memories. He does a lot of work where he melts crayons onto canvases in interesting, trippy patterns. And he makes these wire figures. Lately, he's been covering the wire figures in melted crayons. And documenting it on film. Some of you may recall that he took a class in how to put on your own cable-access show this summer, which I thought, might lead to something interesting. Of course, seeing as it's the Butcher, it has. Now, a part of our living room is designated the Butcher's "studio." And set up in one corner is a camera. And right next to it? A tiny spotlight. It is to this tiny spotlight that I'd like to turn our attention. This spotlight started out life as one of those cheesy candles over-zealous, but fire-safe Christians put in the windows at Christmas--a molded piece of plastic in the shape of a candle and its holder, with a wire running up the middle of it to provide electricity to a small 15 watt bulb. The Butcher has made two slight modifications. There's a toilet paper tube around the candle which, as far as I can tell, serves no purpose other than decoration. And then, there's a more elaborate modification on top. He's lined a toilet paper tube with aluminum foil, cut a hole in the bottom, and set the whole thing on top of the light, to focus the... Waves? Particles that somewhat act like waves? Photons? Rays? Beam? Whatever. Which means that whenever he sits down to work on his art, there's this elaborate ritual of adjusting the light and staring through the camera and adjusting the light again which must take place. I'm still not sure why he has to tape his creative process, because, from the outside, it doesn't look that exciting, and he doesn't seem prone to forgetting how he's done it in the past. So, I suspect these little crayon covered creatures are the impetus. I imagine, when I'm at work, the Butcher concocts elaborate soap operas starring his wire things. And the taping of his art production is just a cover so that I'll never bother to watch the videos to see what's really on them. Of course, I can't even work the MP3 player, so, in real life, the chances of me figuring out how to look at whatever he's taped on the camera are slim to none, which is why I have to make up stories about what he's doing in the corner of the living room with all those crayons and the tiny spot light in the first place.


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