Can Merchandising Be Far Behind?
I can't decide if that disturbs me or thrills me.
Is there anything funnier than tiny cat pants?
It seems unlikely, but my goal in life is to find out.
I can't decide if that disturbs me or thrills me.
posted by Aunt B at 6/27/2005 07:38:00 PM
Like Donnell Alexander says, "It's about completing the task of living with enough spontaneity to splurge some of it on bystanders, to share with others working through their own travails a little of your bonus life." But, it's mostly the kind of place that folks looking for "girls and cars" stumble across by accident.
Yankee, Transferred
Aunt B
Yankee, Transferred
Aunt B
Cindy St. Onge
Aunt B
Yankee, Transferred
Aunt B
Aunt B
Yankee, Transferred
BB Logan
Aunt B
Aunt B
Sarah Bott
Aunt B
The Butcher--My youngest brother, who lives with me and works as, you guessed it, a butcher. He knows everyone in town.
The Recalcitrant Brother--Our middle brother, who lives in rural Georgia and has a kind of movie star life, if that movie star is Burt Reynolds in Deliverance.
The Reverend--Our Dad, a Methodist minister, perpetually three years from retirement.
Mom--Our Mom. She doesn't get a funny nickname because our mom will not stand for funny nicknames.
Mrs. Wigglebottom--My dog. She's got terrible manners.
The Corporate Shill--Or The Shill, as we call her. My friend from college who was constantly getting me into trouble and going to parties she neglected to tell me about where cute boys would ask her "Where's Aunt B.?"
The Legal Eagle--The Shill's husband.
The Super Genius--She lived next door to me my freshman year of college and we've been friends ever since my first day on the floor.
Miss J.--My first adult friend, meaning the first lasting friendship I made after college. She was my roommate in grad school.
Her Lover--Her Husband.
The Divine Ms. B.--Miss J.'s sister and one of my heroes, because she's brave and funny and mystic and fearless.
JR--My oldest friend. I've known her since I was in the second grade.
Elias--JR's husband and the person who's musical tastes have most strongly affected my own. Oh, how I long to be cooler than him!
The Professor--My closest friend here in Nashville. She's a genius, but she'll never tell you that.
The Man from GM--I've known him since I was 16 and he still hasn't forgiven me for telling him I was a vegetarian when I wasn't.
The Redheaded Kid--No one knows where he comes from or where he goes when he leaves here. I assume he's the Butcher's friend. The Butcher assumes he's mine.
I like it, I like it!
But where's the tiny cat?
We have to talk him into making a shirt that would fit on a tiny cat with the logo on it. That would be cool.
The logo NEEDS a tiny cat, but I LOVE this!
I would so wear that.
Hmm, thats a good question, I have no idea if there is such a name for what the Professor just asked.
I think it makes a great logo. But I agree, it needs a cat somewhere.
Well, I thought he'd poke his head in here by now, but he hasn't, so I'm going to drop him an email and tell him we're talking about him behind his back.
Also, Peg, you might know, is there a word for that?
It's all about the marketing, baby. Thank ya. Thankyaverymuch.
Oh, and for you folks looking for the "tiny cat," you should pay more attention. This site isn't about the tiny cat. It's about his PANTS. If the a tiny cat had anything to do with this, it would be called "Tiny Cat AND His Pants." Dummies.
Well, my literal tiny cat is female and she often has need of pants, seeing as she has an allergy that causes her butt hair to fall out on occasion, but the figurative cat can be whatever gender you desire.
YBHC, I expect you to put the Butcher to work in a sweatshop churning out TCP clothing.
Oh, I guess I just assumed it had a tiny cat penis.
"Tiny Cat Pants for Dummies" can't be far behind...
Hey, B, thanks for putting me on the spot about this.
I believe it would be called a 'pictograph.'
I guess it's just a graphic shorthand of sorts, having a symbol stand in for the actual word. I tried to think of other applications where it is used, and really couldn't think of any other modern usages right off the bat. The 'heart' thing really only came into widespread usage because of NYC's identity campaign back in the 80s (was it the 80s?).
Now, if you wanted to apply that concept to your new logo, there would just be the drawing of the pants instead of the entire word, instead of the 'pants' standing in for the letter 'a', and people would still get the idea. That is basically what the Egyptians did with the early heiroglyphics.
It's kind of like Pictionary, actually.
Professor -- I had to go look it up because it was bugging the shit out of me that I couldn't remember the name!
I found this list of game shows and the show I was thinking of was "Concentration" -- where pieces of the board would fall away when you matched stuff up and underneath there was a saying represented by pictures and the occasional word. According to some random site: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word "rebus" as "a representation of syllables or words by means of pictures." For the purposes of Concentration, a rebus is defined as "a combination of pictures, letters and words, which, when deciphered, forms a familiar phrase, the title of something, or something you know."
Rebus. I must work that into conversation today. I may have to turn in something at work accompanied by a cover rebus.
I really need to get to work...but this guy has a weekly rebus!
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