Thursday, February 16, 2006

Walk, Don't Run

Today, the Butcher and I saw a guy who was jogging at such a slow pace we both had to stare. But what made us bust up laughing was that, when he stopped to wait for traffic to clear, he paced around on the side walk. And he was darting back and forth at superhuman speeds. I don't know anything about running. I don't do it. If a bear came out of the woods and the choice was to run for my life or just stand there and get eaten, well, bear, I've got some pepper spray in my pocket. Would you prefer me mild or with a little kick? So, I must ask you--if you can walk very quickly, why would you be jogging around so slowly? Is there some health benefit to jogging that the fast walking can't accomplish? Because, seriously, when walking, that dude was like a bullet shot out of a gun, but when running? Not so much.


Blogger Aunt B said...

I should have shellacked it and posted pictures of it. It wasn't really origami--nothing that fancy. Just a little folding and squishing and imagination using.

2/16/2006 03:15:00 PM  

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